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7 reasons you need to take your OJT seriously

Sam Wong

Team Prosple
OJTs may seem like just another school requirement, but taking them seriously can make or break your career journey.

1. OJTs can uncover what workplace culture you value

Not many students consider this when applying for OJTs, but it is crucial for crafting your career path.

Do you prefer a company that is always hustling or a company that promotes work-life balance? Do you prefer being consistently trained or learning on-the-go?

OJTs can uncover the type of workplace culture and career attitudes you work best with!

2. OJTs look good on a CV

This is already a given. OJTs look great on a CV, especially if you did the work and you know how to sell yourself. 

Throughout your OJT, take note of the things you accomplished and the lessons you learned. 

You are guaranteed a killer CV entry when you list your accomplishments in a direct and actionable way.

3. OJTs can open international opportunities

Yes, OJTs are excellent opportunities to travel or to be exposed to different cultures!

There’s so much to learn from working with an international team—like career paths, cultural nuances, and job opportunities. 

And who knows? An OJT may be your calling to study or work abroad!

4. OJTs are great ways to network

This is especially true of on-the-job trainees that do well at work.

Each person you talk to, work with, or report to become part of your network. Doing your job well means your network will remember you, and may even consider you for future career opportunities.

OJTs are also a great way to expand your network on social media. LinkedIn makes it easy for students and fresh graduates to expand their LinkedIn network and make connections.

5. OJTs can boost your references

Provided that you do well at your OJT, you are almost guaranteed a good reference from your manager or immediate supervisor. 

Good references from OJTs especially look great when applying to schools or future jobs!

6. OJTs can be great confidence builders

If you take your OJT seriously, it can be an excellent way to build confidence.

You will constantly be put in a position where you hone your skills, and are gradually given more and more responsibilities.

OJTs can help you recognize what areas you excel in or reinforce the skills you already possess! 

7. OJTs can reveal what you’re truly passionate about

Finally—and probably most importantly—OJTs can reveal what you’re truly passionate about. What’s worth waking up for, and working from 9-5?

Whether it’s a career path, a field, industry, or advocacy, OJTs can uncover what type of job you want to pursue long-term.

Still looking for an OJT? Check out all these available OJT opportunities available to you

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