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Oracle Philippines

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  • #2 in Technology
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Salary at Oracle Philippines

7.7 rating for Salary, based on 9 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Somewhat decent pay, a lot of benefits.
Graduate, Makati
Bonuses are actually good. Base pay should be increased. At ?rst I thought that is enough for my job, but since I joined a large project, I believe that I deserve better pay parallel to the amount of work I do and the cost of living here in the Philippines.
Graduate, Makati
Given the influx of the no. of cases I believe that we are need of a higher compensation. We would also appreciate if a bonus was in place.
Graduate, Makati
Pay is good. Few benefits; unused leave credits are not convertible to cash.
Graduate, Makati
Graduate, Manila
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Weekly free lunch, good HMO
Graduate, Makati
Free lunch, Life and Health Insurance for my parents, and my personal allowance on clothing, vitamins, and other medical needs!
Graduate, Makati
As a probationary employee we are not yet entitled to paid leaves or sick leaves. A perk is the health care provided
Graduate, Makati
I guess there's free lunch once a week
Graduate, Manila