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Oracle Philippines

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  • #2 in Technology
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Working Hours at Oracle Philippines

8.6 rating for Working Hours, based on 9 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
If there are no more tasks left to do, you can leave early if you want.
Graduate, Makati
I do spend a lot of time working sometimes as my current project has tight budgets and large requirements.
Graduate, Makati
As a new hire we are required to be onsite twice a week. I was hoping to get this number once a week. In line with the work hours, the company is strict in the online time. Currently, I believe that the workload due to the in?ux of cases the previous weeks does not justify the paid work hours we are supposed to do the job.
Graduate, Makati
Flexible working hours so long outputs and deadlines are met.
Graduate, Makati
Oracle is very ?exible. I can come in an hour early and leave an hour early - helps me skip rush hour tra?c - and the 1 day work from home really helps
Graduate, Manila