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Oracle Philippines

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  • #2 in Technology
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Oracle Philippines

9.6 rating for Workplace, based on 9 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Good location, many restaurants and a hospital nearby. Office space and facilities are clean and well-equipped. Smart casual dress code, but it can just boil down to avoiding shorts, footwear exposing the feet like slippers, and tops that expose the shoulders, like sandos.
Graduate, Makati
Office is great!
Graduate, Makati
Dress Code - I appreciate the flexibility in the dress code. Pantry - I was hoping to see various food available here. Workstation - it is spacious and generous.
Graduate, Makati
The office space is very hygienic and has all the important facilities catering to the needs of employees.
Graduate, Makati
Office space impressed me when I started, very clean too location is easy to commute to dress code is ?exible, which is nice.
Graduate, Manila