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  • < 100 employees

Salary at Unilab

8.0 rating for Salary, based on 5 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
I started in Unilab with just an average salary rate, but after 5 years I could say my pay is much higher. I feel like the pay increased significantly over the years, but I also really worked hard for it. Pay increases are based on your performance.
Experienced, Mandaluyong City
Basic salary is ok but can be improved.
Satisfied. I was overwhelmed with all the benefits and perks of being an employee in this company.
Graduate, Mandaluyong
Monthly salary is not competitive enough but bonuses and company benefits is great.
Experienced, Mandaluyong
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Subsidized lunch
Midlevel, Mandaluyong City
Health benefits
Graduate, Mandaluyong
Foreign trips (All expense paid)
Experienced, Mandaluyong