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  • #2 in R&D and manufacturing
  • < 100 employees

Office & Workplace at Unilab

9.6 rating for Workplace, based on 5 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Workplace environment is the best. Apart from being surrounded by nature (which is so calming and inspiring), the facilities are pretty awesome. We have a gym (we call it "66 Fit", high court, restaurant ("Comer"), and coffee shop ("Whole Tree Cafe") inside the Unilab office!
Experienced, Mandaluyong City
My workstation is spacious enough for me.
Graduate, Mandaluyong
Unilab office is the best in terms of all aspects from external and internal design. When it comes to dress code, employees can choose to wear smart casual, but Unilab also offers and provides neat and good-looking uniforms which employees may opt to use.
Experienced, Mandaluyong